Level II Kits
GenoSensor's Level II Kits take students a step further than the Level I Kits and involve more equipment, but are closer to what is used in real world labs. These kits involve Polymerase Chain Reaction, a method of DNA amplification through the use of a Thermal Cycler.
GenoSensor's Level II kits provide students an opportunity to perform hands on bioscience experiments and learn about genetics, restriction digests, plasmid DNA and Polymerase Chain Reaction, a common biological technique. These kits allow students to play the role of real world researchers or medical personnel. Students follow simple lab protocols to solve a real world scenario, using equipment a professional would use.
Level II Kits:
Equipment needed for Level II kits: Vortexer, MicroPipettes, Gel Electrophoresis, MicroCentrifuge, Heat Block, UV Light Box, Thermal Cycler